Newport Rams Baseball Club

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Shout the President

Original Article published on Facebook, by Aspy…. But now we have a “pay now” button

Shout the President!!!

He’s going to hate this but I’m going to do it anyway….

Having been both the club coach and committee member over the past five seasons, I’ve gotten to peak behind the curtain so to speak, and it has never ceases to amaze me the amount of time and effort our President puts into this Club, before, during and in between seasons.

From umpiring juniors in winter to masters in summer, to maintaining the grounds all year round, from dealing with parents and players, councils and sponsors, and other clubs, to organising fixtures, umpires, equipment, to attending BV meetings, charter meetings, come and try days etc… the list goes on. I’d hate to think of the amount of hours each week he spends, of his own time, making sure we can take the field over the weekend.

He doesn’t do it for accolades, or even a pat on the back. And he’s certainly doesn’t do it to bolster his ego.

He does it because he genuinely loves the place and the people in. He does it so he can sit back on a Sunday, surrounded by friends, beer in hand, and watch the Club that is truly family to him and many others in it.

So as a way of thanks, a tab on behalf of the entire club has been open in Walshy’s name. Make sure you show your appreciation and “shout” Walshy a drink or two by contributing to it through out the year.

Let’s makes sure he doesn’t have to pay for a beer at all this year, it’s the least we can do!!

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