Newport Rams Baseball Club

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Players connect via ZOOM

Rams Senior Players have kicked off their 2020/2021 campaign via Zoom.

With COVID-19 currently effecting baseballs winter seasons, Head Coach Jared Berman took the opportunity to connect with the Rams Senior Players via Zoom to outline his plans for the 2020/2021 Summer.

Berman outlined some initial plans for coaching staff, training plans for both the remainder of winter and the summer season (subject to BV COVID-19 restrictions), goals and an over all commitment of the senior players to fund raising efforts and professionalism.

All seniors players are to wear the correct NBC uniform, including NBC game top, white pants with a red belt, Newport hoop socks if high pants, red compression or long sleeves (if applicable), Navy pre-game tee, NBC hat and navy helmet.

2020/2021 Newport Rams Senior Uniform

Players are invited to register for Winter Group Sessions if interested. Sessions will be split into Pitchers/Catchers, Infielders and Outfielders... a mix of defensive fundamentals and hitting for approximately 1 hour each group.

A $50 fee is payable to cover the cost of lights etc during the winter months.